Friday, 4 July 2014


Hello everyone!

I'm very sorry for being away so long. My simming computer (the same one where I store all my pictures) is currently broken and I don't know when it'll be fixed.

Just to be clear, I will be continuing this legacy! I promise! I don't know when but I will try my best to make it soon. If, for whatever reason, my computer is broken for good, then I will do an update where I describe what happened to all the sims in my legacy right up until the last generation I've played (generation seven). I hope it won't come to that and I don't think it will, but you know. Just in case. Don't worry, I won't leave you hanging! I may have enough pictures on this computer to scrape together another chapter.

Thanks again to all my readers. I really appreciate you sticking with me. It's kind of thrilling to look at my blog statistics and see that people all over the world are reading my stuff! Russia, Australia, America, the list goes on! And, of course, I'm grateful to my readers here in sunny England too.

Thanks again and happy 4th of July!


  1. Sorry to hear about your computer, hope it all gets straightened out soon for you. Looking forward to seeing what happens to the Birds.
