I made a note to clean up the hair on the floor.
I made a few calls that morning. I rang Katie's mobile since I didn't really fancy speaking to my parents. She was thrilled at the news that she had a nephew and said that she would tell Mum and Dad. She was living in Sunset Valley then with her boyfriend, Brett. I made her promise to come and visit us some time. I also thanked Aunt Adeline for the doll and told her about Jass. She was planning on moving back to Moonlight Falls with her kids soon and I was really looking forward to having a few friendly faces around the place! I had always wanted a house full of children, but at the moment I wanted to concentrate on my beautiful baby. I also wanted to get into a stable relationship and climb up the career ladder a bit first so I could get a bigger house. It wasn't going to be long before Jasper outgrew his baby cot and started needing his own bedroom.
Full moons came and went and I even met some other werewolves whilst taking Jasper for a stroll in the park. I met the Wolff family who were an entire pack in their own right! The mother, Erica, gave me some newborn tips. I really liked Erica and we formed a pack together. Added to that was her teenage son and a man who ran the elixir store. We also found a young werewolf woman with gorgeous red hair named Ophelia and a good-looking man with particularly pointy teeth called Briar. They were all really lovely and welcoming and I was becoming really good friends with them all. Especially Briar... Sometimes they all came round for some steak - I was getting to be quite the chef. It was so nice to finally have my own pack of werewolf friends! However, there was still something missing. A big hole of indeterminable shape in my life. I had a beautiful son, lovely friends and a stable job. But I needed someone really special to share it with.
One night I was putting Jasper to bad when I looked into his big dark eyes. 'Oh my, you don't half look like your father.' I exclaimed. That made me think. I looked at my little baby and all I could see was Dayvid. From his curly black hair to his tiny, silver-skinned toes.
I knew what I had to do.
Shaking with nerves and the excitement of what I was about to do, I pulled out my mobile and slowly dialled the number of the one person I finally knew I needed above all others. Of whom I'd always known I'd needed. Of whom I'd always wanted. Of whom I had loved with all my heart since the moment I'd set eyes on him. |